Raising up leaders in unexpected places.

Because Jesus sets all the captives free.

At Joseph Company Prison Ministry, we’re working to transform the lives of the incarcerated by creating a kingdom family environment that restores identity and hope — because no one and no place is too dark or difficult for our God.

What began with one young man in one prison unit because of a letter has grown into over 100 men in multiple units. The men we mentored and parented in that first unit, eventually transferred to other units. Some realized they wanted to continue that same process of raising up sons who become fathers to the unit in which they live. Click below to learn more about how we work.


God is a good Father who doesn’t abandon his children

92% of men in prison are fathers. The restoration of their involvement with their children has a trickle down effect to the family and community.


Transformed lives heal families

Restoring lives one heart at a time to restore families one household at a time to restore nations one community at a time—because it all begins at home.


No one is beyond the reach and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ

When people find their true identity and purpose, they don’t go back to their past, they move forward into their destiny.


It all begins with one changed heart and one transformed mind.



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(555) 555-5555